Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lighten up fatty

Why is it that when people watch Biggest Loser they want to spend those two hours EATING as well? This has to say something about how truly twisted we are as human beings. I, along with several friends of mine, represent this food-gorging-Biggest Loser-watching-breed.

So in effort to support the whole weight loss thing that the show perpetuates, I decided to crack open one of my favorite cook books, Cooking Light. Instead of ordering in pizza or some heavy carb-fest dinner, we now are cooking delicious, healthy meals. This week, per suggestion of a very dear friend in good 'ole AZ, we made Green Chile-Chicken Casserole. I HIGHLY recommend you whip this up for next Tuesday. Therefore while watching, you can nosh on something not quite as bad as that cheesy baked pasta with a side of frozen Snickers you had last week.

Off the hook recipe found here:

I did opt for the side of frozen Snickers though, what can you do???


  1. I too have been watching the Biggest Loser and I had similar thoughts. I said to myself while starting up the big flat box, "why are we all watching these people being tortured". Can't say it has helped my eating habits but I thinking about the treadmill more and just might get to the gym in future.

  2. I would argue with the torture part. The defintion of torture is something that you would never willingly have inflected on you.

    But you are uncovering a more interesting topic that might need to be discussed, which is how america looks at food, how people are addicted to food....ect
