QMT is a little over a week old now. I am so thankful for all of my readers and participants who comment and share their thoughts and ideas with me. With that said, I really appreciate your feedback and I want to know who is saying what. Therefore, I have made a setting that requires you register in order to leave a comment. Please, please do not let this intimidate you. It is very simple to create a username and best yet, you don't need to include anything that reveals your personal identity. Some readers are simply using their first names and others are creating aliases.
Why is this so important to me? I want to understand each and every one of my readers. I have several anonymous comments that are very compelling and offer different points of views or sometimes the same point of view with additional information. Because these are listed as anonymous I never know if it's a different person or the same person leaving a comment on a different post. I am sure as a reader it is fun for you too to read comments from the same person on different topics/posts allowing you to understand their personality. Please work with me and those who have registered already to make the QMT community a strong one. I look forward to getting cozy (my favorite word) as a group. Thank you!
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