I just read an article about political conversations being a part of day time TV. Specifically, an LA Times article regarding The View. I love the View. My dream would be to serve as a regular co-host on The View...hear that Babs??? Apparently the ladies will be dissecting President Obama's State of the Union Address and discussing key initiatives he plans to implement in 2010. Well guess what Bill and Barb - I too dissected the SUA and have opinions and questions on many of the key points! I love to see that I am so on topic and ah hem, aligned with what the View is working on! I totally deserve a job there. The guy below clearly agrees.

Because I think every American citizen should be apprised of the President's goals I have listed my own little dissection of the SAU. It's 5 pages front and back, hand written, so can't promise I will include all of them in this post - believe me you will thank me for that one. So please look for future installments.
Now let's get started.
- Elimination of capital gains taxes on small business investment and provide tax incentive for large and small businesses to invest in new operation facilities and equipment. The first part sounds good to me, not sure how great the second part is. Insight from a professional please???? Or just a really opinionated person will do too.
- Asking Congress to enact a comprehensive energy and climate change bill. This encompasses a cap-and-trade model that may include incentives for companies that do the following: oil/gas development, accelerated construction of nuclear plants and new research for clean coal. What's the point you ask - to create green collar jobs and remain competitive on emerging clean energy technologies. I think this sounds good to me. Anyone that can provide further details or a solid example please share with us.
- Freeze spending on domestic programs and if Congress doesn't work to do this Obama will utilize executive power and veto anything. The day after the SAU, Obama announced that he was cutting federal spending on NASA. That's quite ok with me. Senators and other state officials from Florida are clearly pissed because some people will be losing jobs. How do you feel about it? Do you know of any other programs that have recently been cut? Or can you think of a program other than NASA that should have been cut first?
- Remove ALL combat troops from Iraq by August 2010. It still appears to be one big shit show over there so I am not sure how safe this will be. I think it's clear to many people that we should have never gone in the first place, however we went and we've made some things better but we have also made a big fat mess. Like in pre-school, you are responsible for cleaning up your own mess. Thoughts?
- Most troops in Afghanistan will be removed by 2011 and Afghan security forces will take control. Scary. Again, I believe in peace and feel for any family and friends that have loved ones over seas - you would always rather them be home, but Afghanistan is entirely unstable. How squeaky clean is the Afghan security force? Riddled with corruption or headed to a better place?
- To repeal "don't ask, don't tell" in the U.S. Military. I am an avid supporter of this. Please refer to this recent CNN article that really puts this law into perspective. If someone is willing to serve our country they deserve to be entirely themselves and benefit from the civil rights that every other American enjoys. http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/02/03/darrah.personal.history.gay.military.experience/?hpt=C1
- Propose a fee on the biggest banks. Ok, I need further information on this one. Does he mean only the big banks that accepted bail out money or every big bank? Additionally what criteria defines a "big bank?"
So I'm definitely interested in hearing more of this. As much as I have a vested interest in the direction our government takes us in these crucial next years...I must confess, reading, listening or watching anything relating to politics makes me want to find the nearest window and jump. Thanks for the breakdown missy - keep it coming.
ReplyDeleteSo, here are my thoughts on your thoughts, and Obama's thoughts. The first part of the State of the Union that stood out to me was Obama saying he will use his Veto Powers. I was SO happy to hear this, we need to see some strength from Obama this year. He started getting caught up in the political games very early, and I think he realized he was elected because he promised not to, so we need to see him flex his presidential muscles a bit. Secondly, Iraq, I am in full support of this. I believe once we went in and started a war, that you are correct we needed to help repair the damage. However, to stick with your toddler example, if you spilled your juice and you continued to try cleaning it up but another kid kept spilling their juice on your area you just cleaned, you would no longer be responsible right? We have tried to repair Iraq for a long time now, but when they don't want us there, and are not meeting us in our goals to get them to be self-sufficient, I beleive it is our responsibility to let them sink or swim, and to protect the lives of our soldiers. When they enlisted they enlisted to protect the lives of American Citizens, not ALL citizens. Sounds kind of harsh, but I do believe we sometimes treat American Soldiers as world soldiers, and that is just not the cast.
ReplyDeleteYes, please keep it coming! I have a very short (almost non existent) attention span when it comes to politics. Thanks for spicing it up! I look forward to future blogs and opinions from the Daddy-O himself :)
ReplyDeleteI support don't ask, don't tell in the reality of life. Note to all Gay n Lesbian people, YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're better than the View. Joy Behar gives women a bad name!