Today, in the Big Apple, we are experiencing our first beautiful day of the year. Crystal blue skies, bright sun and a slight breeze. The word
slight being very important. Koosh, our red-headed friend Speegs and I enjoyed God's mercy today. (I do not use God and his mercy

lightly here, did you see the blizzard conditions last week??)

The best thing about the arrival of good weather aside from the obvious is that
odd behavior is totally acceptable. We are just so euphoric as a society and we will not judge others that want to partake in the joy-fest of soaking up the sun. For example a common scene is a fully clothed business man sprawled out on the grass in one of the many parks in NYC. He usually lays on his back, arms and legs stretched out as if he is ready to make a snow angel. His nice tie-up business shoes are kicked off along with his crumpled socks laying close by. Pants are rolled up just above the ankles and his eyes are closed with a slight, peaceful smile on his face. Yes, he has been waiting for this moment.

Today I saw another scene of people enjoying nature's gift. While walking around the trendy meat packing district with Koosh and Speegs we approached a packed restaurant. The restaurant offered dining on the sidewalk out front and of course all of these tables were occupied by smiling, upbeat, glowing folks. Something was out of order though.
However, because today was a day like this the odd behavior was totally acceptable. Two young women, dressed to the nines grabbed two extra seats from the outdoor dining, happily carried them to the edge of the sidewalk and set up camp on the corner of 20th and 10th Avenue. The women threw their heads back, put their shades on and basked in the sun's rays. Their skin glowed and you could see the slightest move or twitch in their lips with the sun highlighting their lip gloss - it looked like heaven.

We all knew it was totally out of order to grab restaurant chairs and treat them as lounge chairs on a busy corner street in Manhattan but who could blame them? Imagine mothers that smile endearingly as their child greets a small dog with a huge bear hug. It's cute and you love to see your child displaying such enthusiasm but you know it is slightly out of place and over the top. That is today and I am loving it. These days and the small moments you can catch make the cold winters so worth it.*
*Here is the other thing though. These days are week it will probably snow again, but the good thing is there will be more days like today and before we know it we will be in the hot, sticky summer. Which is quite alright with me.
Some people are yet to really understand what the sun does for one's psyche (sp?)