The sun was out again in New York and I was pleased to celebrate
International Women's Day with what seemed like thousands on the Brooklyn Bridge. Did you know that March 8th is International Women's Day? I had no clue, yet this is such a moving and important day to observe since countless studies have shown that the most effective way to lift societies out of poverty is to empower and educate women.

The first IWD took place in 1909 - you mean I've been oblivious to that many?! Well not anymore. Thanks to my involvement with an amazing (<--- this word is sooo overused, sorry about that) organization called Women for Women International (W4Wi) I was made aware of IWD. I spent my afternoon walking with both women, men and children across the iconic Brooklyn Bridge ending at City Hall Park in lower Manhattan. A famous celeb was also walking with us - Naomi Campbell. I didn't realize it was her until about the third time I was standing next to her, I expected her to be taller. No worries

folks, she did not have a cell phone in her hand. Kate Spade's presence was made thanks to her team wearing t-shirts for her worthy project Hand-in-Hand. Go shopping here!;jsessionid=V8QYLVLQq0BJLtLPl0DGzZWcy3hXHpfNln5NJSZsq7JRVlnQB57s!-914882045?productId=3898279&view=all&cp=3896905While I'm being a little link happy, check this one out. Good resource: Bloomberg also happened to be on the Manhattan side of the bridge. We thought

he was part of the walk until we realized that he kept talking about historical facts of the bridge "Did you know folks that this part of the bridge was built on sand pits?"
"...Um what does this have to do with IWD Mr. Mayor? Oh, right, my bad. You have nothing to do with today's festivities, Cheerio mate, moving it right along...."
After walking across the bridge we were greeted by bongo players who were the epitome of zeal and happiness. They kept us light on our feet, that's for sure. The founder of W4Wi, Zainab Salbi spoke along with other supporters of the event. In the posted video you'll see a woman with a short hair-cut being interviewed by a TV reporter, that's Zainab, yea that's right, I just got right in there for the shot.
I also got a chance to paint something special on the peace banner. I tried to get a cool photo of my bird (pink and yellow), heart and my initials before Naomi Campbell and an onslaught of reporters were

stampeding toward all you get is half of my painting. Oh well, at least the women in the Congo will enjoy the art. Not to mention Naomi TOTALLY painted something right next to my bird so maybe we'll see more of my art on the airwaves.

Check out my little flip video below. Not my best work but the cause is worth showing. :)
Not bad...didn't know of the walk..keeping me educated