Sunday, March 14, 2010

Millionaire Dogs

I wanted to save this post for a rainy day and let me tell you it has been a rainy day for TWO days now. Last weekend we enjoyed beautiful weather. So beautiful that us New Yorkers are still talking about it. Or should I say we are now bitching about this crap weather and inserting, "why can't this weekend's weather be like last weekend's weather? What a tease that was!"

Remember the disclaimer I wrote at the bottom of last weekend's wicked weather post? Do not take aforementioned good weather as a sign that winter is over. It's not. So, as I sit in my apartment while it continues to be a wet mess outside I want to share a little sunny weather activity with you. It's free, it's fun, it's outdoors and you will often talk in a baby voice saying, "ohhh you are soo cute!"

I give you - the Dog Park.

If you live in a place with seasons and the tail-end of winter has been keeping you down take advantage of those sunny, warm days. Everyone is in a good mood and you can literally sit there in the warm sun doing nothing and feel like you made the most of your day. You can also have a full day without spending a dime which is how I like to do things.

Now I give you the other component to accomplish this no-spending-money part. The ubiquitous Starbucks gift card that is given to EVERYONE over the holidays. If you're smart, you've budgeted well and you still have some $$ leftover.

So the day goes like this. Wake up late because it's the weekend and you enjoy sleeping in. Freshen up, grab your coat, shades and head to the nearest Starbucks with your gift card. Purchase whatever you want.

Then walk over to the nearest dog park and ENJOY! Koosh doesn't seem to have a problem with the enjoying part. Look at her - just a picture of bliss.

As you can see we made a few friends along the way. This fox terrier chillin'

with Koosh is named Nola. She had a big buddy with
her who resembled our beloved
Cooper. AKA Coopies, Cooper Pooper, Coop,Coopy and it goes on.

So, chat with people, cuddle with dogs, throw tennis balls, close your eyes and look to the sky. It's a free, mood-lifting activity that everyone should give a try.

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