I encountered two of these all-stars before the clock had even hit 8am this morning.
1. On the 1 train headed downtown. Get to stop two (66th street) and the train is packed and since I was standing right by the door I did the polite (and CORRECT) thing to do which is step outside the train so people can get off. Now the unspoken rule is...people who are waiting to get on the train must first let those that stepped off (ie: ME) get back on the train before they try to board. But no....low and behold these two ladies barrel on through in front of me (while people are still getting off mind you!) and take two steps into the train and stand right in front of the door, bodies all over the 'stripper pole' so no one else can use it. So I am annoyed, it's 7:45 and I am still suffering from sever allergies (haven't even brushed my hair in two days if that indicates how tired I have been. I have been washing it though - at least I manage that part)
but my patience for morons, rude ones to boot is low....reeeal low. I try and give them the benefit of the doubt and think, ok, they must be getting off at the next stop just like me, that's why they insist on standing by the door. SO we get to Columbus Circle and I step off to exit look behind me and see that they CONTINUE to stand there not exiting in addition to not stepping aside in effort to let anyone off. I roll my eyes and think, rude dummies that are too engrossed in their own bubble to think about those around them that are sharing the train.

2. I make it 400 feet to the escalator to go up to street level and I encounter Idiot #2. The escalator is wide enough for two single file lines of people. Again, like clock-work every morning people file into their preferred line. To the right are the people that stand and want to enjoy the ride. To the left are the people who walk up the escalator in effort to catch one of the 4 MAJOR bus lines that pick up at Columbus Circle. As you can imagine from my pushy attitude I am ALWAYS filing into the left line...the one that walks up the escalator. What do I see today though....some woman decides to RUIN the whole system and stand in the left line. The whole escalator gets backed up and us left-line people just make a gruff, inaudible sound and deal with this inconsiderate, moron move. However, as always I try and give people the benefit of the doubt and think maybeee she doesn't know this rule. So that leads me to my next victim of verbal abuse (ha!) the person standing behind her. I do feel it is their civic responsibility to politely tap her on the shoulder and say "excuse me, I'd like to get by," and hopefully everyone else will
follow suit and after she moves to the side 500 times she will soon realize that if she wanted to stand she should have stood on the right. There lesson learned.

Now I know Mrs. Steinman is going to call me out on this one and say "you are turning into a pushy New Yorker, calm down." I do appreciate her keeping me grounded. I am proud of my midwest roots and west coast chillness, but I am not backing down on this one. I'm ready for it...bring it on Mom.
3. The "rules of the road" seem common sense to me, but to the majority of people I run into, it simply IS NOT. I had the privilege of enjoying a nice picnic along the West Village Highline last night with the one and only, QMT. Enjoying the scenery at our own pace, we stuck to the right side of the pathway. Our first encounter was of a nice European family observing the Standard Hotel in front of us. We know you are excited to try the restaurant tonight and think the lighting is beautiful, but there is no need for you to be discussing across the entire pathway, PULL OVER! Secondly, the last time I checked sidewalks did not have speed limit signs. Left is the fast lane, right is the slow...just like a car people! Do not ride my a** on the right side and think I will speed up because it just won't happen. If I am walking too slow for you, MOVE OVER!
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right about what I was thinking, but because I have been in the streets of NYC myself, I know what your are feeling. Maybe you could pass out booklets on street etiquette. One could loose their mind keeping score.