Yea, so I have been on a bit of a hiatus. I can do that...this is my blog. Frankly, there is such thing as writer's block and sometimes you just lose inspiration. Luckly, as of late a few things have caught my attention and I feel like blabbing about them.
Let's go over a day in the news....that day being Wed, August 3rd.
I love how this article from the NYT opens with how great state-run liquor sales are. They say it's great because as a consumer you don't pay tax. Well guess what, you end up paying anyway becuase the prices are double in government-run states, than free market states. Refer to my earlier post (Straight up and with a twist) if you have any questions about that one.
Additionally, I don't think John Kerry should have to pay Massachusettes the tax on his big fancy yacht that he bought in Rhode Island. Is there someone in Massachusettes that sells the same boat? Doubt it. But you know, people are mad because John Kerry ran over to R.I. to buy a boat and in that state there isn't a tax, so people in Mass are expecting him to pay THEM the tax that WOULD HAVE existed if he bought the boat in Mass.
What the hell?? I'm not even a fan of John Kerry's, but this is ridiculous.
Another hot story.....obesity has risen in the past 3 years...9 states claim that 30% of its residents are obese.
Maybe it's becuase of all the Cheetos they're eating. This top-selling cheese puff in America generates $4 BILLION annually for PepsiCo.
And that's all for now....peace and love in the ghetto.
Yes, I know the last link is not working but again it's my blog and I am sick of trying to fix it. I am sure you've been there too.
Seriously, people DO need to get out of the junk food aisle and into the fresh fruits and veggies aisle. I am as guilty as anyone, but really-just save the money for a week and get yourself some good cheese and crackers instead. i hope i can take my own advice!!!